Kamis, 28 November 2019

Seminar Nasional Industri Kreatif Informatika, Teknologi dan Humaniora 2019 (IKRA-ITH 2019)

Keynote Speaker Presenting:
"Peran Strategis Perguruan Tinggi Menyiapkan SDM Unggul, Mandiri dengan Jiwa Technopreneur"

Organised by:
Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I
Jakarta, 9-10 Oktober 2019

Presentation Materials available on the above link or if any problems on this, you may also request to emails below:
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International Journal (Scopus Indexed)

"Occupants' Perceptions in relations to Space: The Case Study of Senior Housing Design in Jakarta"

Published on:
Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Volume 13, Number 6 (2018); emEJAC181179, Page 512-521
Issn 1306-3057 Open Access 2018

Rabu, 27 November 2019

International Journal (Scopus Indexed)

"Designing in Architecture: Behavioral Approach Methodology"
Published on:
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)
Volume 7, Number 3.27 (2018), Page 142-144
Issn 2227-524X (Online)

International Journal (Copernicus Indexed)

"Planning and Designing in Architecture: Behavioral Concerns"
Published on:
International Journal of Social Science and Research (IJSR)
Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2018, Page 306-312
Issn 2319-7064 (Online)

Selasa, 26 November 2019

International Conference Proceeding: The 4th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment with AWARDs (S.ARCH 2017)

"Behavioral Architecture: Theories and Design Methodology"
Published on:
International Conference Proceeding: The 4th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment with AWARDs (S.ARCH 2017), Page 213-1 to 213-11 (Page 316-326)
Isbn 978-3-9818275-4-5

International Conference Proceeding: The 2nd International Seminar on Sustainable Urban Development (ISOSUD Conference 2011)

"Struggling for Sustainable Living: The Case Studies of the Residents Living in High-Density Housings"
Published on:
International Conference Proceeding: The 2nd International Seminar on Sustainable Urban Development (ISOSUD Conference 2011), Page S4-10 to S4-22 (Page on 179-191)
Green Urban Development and Poverty Eradication: Plans, Strategies and Practices
Isbn 978-979-99119-6-4

National Accredited Journal (Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi)

"Adaptation Behaviour of Residents Living in a High-Density Housing in Jakarta"
Published on:
Jurnal Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik (MKP 2011)
Volume 24, Number 2, April - June 2011 (2011-04), Page 85 - 97
Issn 2086-7050

Senin, 25 November 2019

National Accredited Journal (Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi)

"Coping with Physical Environment: The Case Studies of Low-Income Housing in Jakarta"
Published on:
Jurnal Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik (MKP)
Volume 23, Number 4, October - December 2010, Page 257 - 268
Issn 2086-7050

International Journal

"Spatial Performance Impact on the Employees' Productivity and Satisfaction: IMplication pm Coping Strategies to the Working Space"
Published on:
International Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Science (RHSS) - Open Access Journal
Volume 5, Number 4 (2015), Page 119-125
Issn 2225-04 (Online)
Issn 2224-5766 (Printed)

International Journal

"Space and Behaviour: Study on Spatial Use of the Low-COst Housing and its Residents"
Published on:
International Journal of Development and Sustainability
Volume 2 Number 3 (2013): 1982-1996
ISDS Article ID: IJDS13061403
Issn 2168-8662 - www.isdsnet.com/ijds

International Journal (Scopus Indexed)

"A Study on Classroom Spatial Performance: Its Impacts on Students' Satisfaction and Study Achievement"
Published on:
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy
Volume 6, Number 4 S3, August 2015
Issn 2039-2117 (Online)
Issn 2039-9340 (Print)

Minggu, 24 November 2019

International Conference Proceeding: The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI 2014)

"Spatial Use and Satisfactory Level of the High-Density Housing Residents"
Published on:
International Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI 2014)

Rabu, 20 November 2019

Book: "Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar Bidang Ilmu Arsitektur Perilaku & Perancangan Arsitektur: Arsitektur Humanis - Pendekatan Arsitektur Perilaku sebagai Konsep Dasar Perancangan Arsitektur Masa Depan"

Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar ini disampaikan pada Siang Senat Guru Besar Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I pada tanggal 12 Februari 2016.

Pidato berupa Orasi Ilmiah dengan pengantar awal adalah pendahuluan tentang pemikiran dan ketertarikan terhadap bidang ilmu arsitektur, khususnya keahlian ARSITEKTUR PERILAKU. Selanjutnya, ulasan berbagai teori disampaikan sebagai dasar perencanaan dari Penelitian atau Riset berupa RISET EVALUASI PASCA HUNI (Post Occupancy Evaluation): Residential, Campus Office Design and Classroom Design.

Pembahasan terhadap Pendekatan Konsep Arsitektur Perilaku sebagai Dasar Perancangan Arsitektur kemudian menjadi Pokok Kesimpulan Penelitian. Dengan pentingnya peran pendidikan, pembahasan tentang perlunya pengenalan kembali Konsep Arsitektur Perilaku pada Kurikulum Program Studi Arsitektur menjadi penting dianjurkan dan menjadi perhatian utama yaitu MANUSIA sebagai Pengguna Bangunan.

Pidato ini diakhiri dengan Usulan Konsep Arsitektur Humanis: Pendekatan Arsitektur Perilaku sebagai Konsep Dasar Perancangan Arsitektur Masa Depan, terdiri dari Konsep Keterkaitan Persepsi dan Coping Behaviour & Behaviour Design Methodology.

Books available on request
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Book: "Low-Cost Housing in Jakarta - Toward A More Humane Architecture"

This book provides empirical evidence on the behaviour and daily activities of Occupants in relation to their use of space, perceptions of physical environment, and efforts to cope with the physical architectural setting of low-income housing in Jakarta, Indonesia.

This book is supported with primary data taken from the study of residents living in five different unit types within four low-income housing complexes built in Central Jakarta by the National Urban Development Corporation of Indonesia (Perum Perumnas). Of particular interest for this, was the identification of resident's activities and behaviour in relation to various spaces within and outside of their units; the functional effectiveness of each space in respect to their expected architectural design use; and how well each space performed in terms of meeting the psychological, social and cultural needs and satisfaction of residents'.

What this book express is that the design strategies deployed for the selected housing complexes did not, to various and differing degree, adequately meet the residents needs in terms of daily activities of spatial use. This resulted in rooms being utilised in inappropriate and ineffective ways in terms of their functions, leading to dissatisfaction amongst residents, especially in the smaller sized units studied. The effect of this for residents was the enforced adoption of various coping strategies and modes of spatial adjustment to compensate for both the physical and behavioural limitations of their living space and extended areas within each housing complex.

Books available on request
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Book: "Housing Development in Indonesia"

This book describes Housing Development in Indonesia related to this its trends in housing policies in the period of Pre-Independence, Early-Independence, New Order. It is also developed the description on housing bodies and housing financial schemes.

This book evenmore explores the housing policies for the city of Jakarta. Jakarta's housing needs, stocks and demands are all described, including Housing Development Plans and Spatial Use for Residential Zones, Strategies and Methods of Implementation through Three Housing Policies, The Structure and Pattern of Spatial Use for Residential Zones & Guidance for Residential Zone Spatial Use for Jakarta and Jakarta City Council Plans for Development Zones for Jakarta in 2005. Jakarta with its housing issues particularly for some experience on Vertical-built Low-Cost Housing Development and Physical and Socio-Psychological conditions is expansively written here. The current issues explained focusing on the case of low-cost housing in Jakarta and supported by primary data taken from the study of residents living in five different unit types - 18, 21, 36, 42 and 51 sqm unit types - located within four low-income housing complexes built in Central Jakarta by the National Urban Development Corporation of Indonesia (Perum Perumnas).

What the book suggests is that housing development in Indonesia, particularly in the City of Jakarta - The Design for Low-Cost Housing are to be developed with regard to the need to pointing out some important issues to be resolved. Architects should be encouraged to develop new design ideas, taking into account the needs of the target population, particularly and this important for users living in the small unit types, who are by unfortunate not to be involved in the process of design. In other words, The Plans for various unit types of low-cost housing in the city center of Jakarta is strongly advised to be reviewed.

Books available on request
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Book: "Pendekatan ARSITEKTUR PERILAKU sebagai Konsep Dasar Perencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektur"

Buku ini mengandung referensi teori dan fakta empiris yang disusun sistematik dan diharapkan mudah dipahami oleh para pembaca. Adapun teori yang disampaikan adalah tentang Teori Ruang dan Perilaku serta Perilaku Coping (Coping Behaviour)/Perilaku Penyesuaian Diri yang dilakukan oleh Manusia sebagai Pengguna Lingkungan Buatan (Built-Environment).

Teori-teori yang dikaji beserta studi literature yang dilakukan kemudian dibuktikan dengan disampaikannya bukti-bukti empiris yang diperoleh dari berbagai Riset Evaluasi Pasca Huni (Post Occupancy Evaluation) terhadap beberapa jenis bangunan hunian typical, desain kantor kampus dan desain ruang kelas. Buku ini juga merumuskan Pendekatan Arsitektur Perilaku sebagai Konsep Perancangan Arsitektur Masa Depan untuk Mencapai Konsep Arsitektur Humanis serta Bagaimana Pendidikan Arsitektur Mencoba Mengenali Kembali Konsep Arsitektur Perilaku (yang dirasakan sudah banyak terabaikan) dalam Proses Perencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektur.

Books available on request
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